Tuesday, April 7, 2009

4.5 months

So, it's been over 4 months now since my lil angel arrived in my arms. Can you believe that? Wow, time is flying by so fast! He's doubled his weight, from 8.2lbs at birth to 16.5lbs and has grown 5in at 4months. Tall boy! He's so amazing. I can't even start telling you all the things he does that make me love him even more. He's so cuddly and happy all the time. People are always telling me he's the happiest baby ever and how he's very photogenic and should be entered in contests. You know what? I will... Eventually. When he's a bit older. Right now though, I just want to enjoy the smiles, cooing and milestones to myself. Ohh, talking about that, he's rolling over both ways now and trying to sit up. And last week he discovered he had feet. It was funny. He cried when he first grabbed a hold of them like: "Moooommy! What are these? They're scary!" lol

We've now been cloth diapering, co-sleeping and baby-wearing him for over 4months. And he's enjoying that totally! He's a cuddly boy so whatever feels nice against his body makes him feel better :)

And our biggest accomplishment yet, we're in a full-on relactation process. Yay! I had tried to bf him for the first 1.5wk but nothing was working and it was putting us both in a very bad mood. And two weeks ago I realized while doing some research that it was still very much possible to try again at this point. So I talked to my doctor and she prescribed me some Domperidone (2 pills, 4 times a day). So that mixed with extreme pumping brought us that much closer to getting a normal milk supply. I can now get about a total of .5oz in a day. LOL! That doesnt seem like much but when you start where I did this is amazing progress. I am so happy to be doing this. I felt like crap not being able to breastfeed him.

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